Plant Care
These are general guidelines for plant care.
For specific care instructions, check online sources such as: The Spruce or Farmer's Almanac
Most houseplants prefer indirect light with some liking periods of direct sunlight. Before watering, always check if the plant needs it. One of the easiest ways to do this is to stick your finger about 1 inch into the soil. If it feels dry, you should probably water. If it feels damp, you can probably wait. Most plants don’t like soggy soil and it can lead to root rot. However, it’s not the same for all plants so it’s best to look up specific care for each plant. How frequently you water will also depend on your home environment.
Bright indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight will cause burns. Let soil dry between watering. Water roughly every 7-10 days (depending on your home environment). Water directly on the soil. Leaves don’t like getting water on them.
Low light. Water every 7-14 days (depending on your home environment) into the center cup of the leaves, not the soil. Bromeliads flower only once for 4-6 months. When it stops flowering, the plant dies. During the flowering period, the plant produces babies along the base. Collect and re-pot the babies to continue the life of your bromeliad.
Chinese Evergreen:
Medium to low light. Leaves will burn in direct sunlight. Water roughly every 7 days (depending on your home environment). Mist leaves throughout week.
Bright indirect light to low light. Leaves will burn in direct sunlight. Water about every 5 days (depending on your home environment). Be sure to water each plant in the planter, not just on one side. Check soil prior to watering. If the plants grow too large for the planter, you can always re-pot them. If you don’t feel comfortable repotting, we can do it for you!
Fiddle Leaf Fig:
Fiddle leaf figs can be a plant that needs a bit of extra attention. Bright indirect light. Leaves will burn in direct sunlight. Water roughly every 7 days (depending on your home environment). Let the top 1-2 inches of soil dry out before you water it then give it a good soaking, enough to saturate the soil. They don’t like to be kept in soggy soil.
Bright indirect light with brief periods of direct sunlight. Water roughly 7-10 days (depending your home environment). Let soil dry between watering. Water less often in winter.
Similar care to succulents. Bright indirect light. More mature jade plants can tolerate more direct sunlight. Dry between watering. Water about every 7-10 days (Depending on your house environment). Be sure to water soil, and not leaves. Leaves will get wilt and get wrinkly when they want water.
In the succulent family. Bright indirect light with periods of direct sunlight. Water thoroughly about every 7-10 days (depending on your home environment). Let soil dry between watering.
Medium to bright indirect light. Water about every 7 days (depending on your home environment). Water when the top 1-2 inches of soil is dry. Mist frequently on leaves.
Bright indirect light. Water by placing 3 ice cubs in the pot every 7 days. Or water by misting the soil, roots, and flowers daily. Once the blooms die, the plant is still living. Leave in it bright indirect light to rest. Continue same watering.
Medium indirect light to low light. Water about every 7 days (depending in your home environment). Water when the top inch of soil is dry. Check soil prior to watering.
Similar to succulents in care. Bright indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight. Water about every 7 days (depending on your home environment). Let the soil briefly dry between watering. Check soil prior to watering. Occasionally mist. Water less in winter
Peace Lily:
Bright indirect light to low light. Water frequently, about every 5-7 days (depending on your home environment). Prefers moist soil. Mist frequently.
Bight indirect light, but can tolerate low light. Water about every 7 days (depending on your home environment).
Medium to indirect light with periods of direct sunlight. Water about every 7 days (depending on your home environment). They don't like to sit in soggy soil.
Snake Plant:
Medium to bright indirect light. Will tolerate low light. Brighter variegations will become less intense and patterned in low light. Leaves will burn in direct sunlight. Water about every 7 days (depending on your home environment). Let soil dry between watering.
Spider Plant:
Bright indirect light with periods of direct sunlight. Watering about 5-7 days (depending on your home environment). Babies will hang from vine and can be planted for more spider plants.
Bright indirect light. Water about every 7-10 days directly on soil. They don’t like soggy soil.
Wandering Jew:
Bright indirect light. Water roughly every 4 days (depending on your home environment). Water directly on soil. They prefer to have slightly moist soil.
ZZ Plant:
Medium indirect light to low light. Water about every 7-10 days (depending on home environment). Check soil prior to watering.